Saturday, March 7, 2009


There are ridiculous and crazy drivers out there! Not that its any surprise. I thought my hometown was bad, but when I moved up here about a year and a half ago I realized Springfield is much worse. Granted, I'm a pretty engaging driver myself. My friends make fun of me cause I just whip around and gun it when I can. I'm just fortunate to not have any mishaps so far. I have fell asleep at the wheel though. Thats a long story, sort of. Basically, to sum it up, it was Thanksgiving Day, got up at 9am, drove to Springfield, had dinner, drove home. Then it was Black Friday so I stayed up, went in to work at 5am till 4pm annnnd apparently drove home. I don't remember the drive, at all. But I made it to Neosho then fell asleep while still trying to finish driving home. I do think though, that old people are the worst drivers around. I'm not trying to stereotype and be hateful. I'm just speaking truth. It seems most of the time when I get frustrated at a driver its usually a senior citizen because apparently they think they have the right of way no matter what orrr they cut me off. Nothing is worse than cutting someone off I'm pretty sure. We've all been there. And just because I drive a New Beetle doesn't mean I'm THAT slow. Cut me some slack. Speaking of cars, I'm hoping to get a new car soon. Within this year anyway. I'd really like to get it within the next 6 months, but we shall see what happens I guess. I miss having a little get up and go. So I'm planning on (atleast) an 06 or 07 Mustang...possibly GT. That would make me beyond happy. I have an obsession with going fast, no matter what. I think I get it from my dad. And yes, I know it could get me in a lot of trouble, but its just so fun. I can't help it. =)

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