Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Old Friends

I was thinking about all my old friends from way back when today. Ok, not WAY back when, but from high school...which was about 3 years ago now. Wow...weird to think about. I've been out of school that long? Crazy! Atleast I've been doing some good with my time since then though. Doesn't make me feel as bad, ha. Anyway, I was just thinking to myself that I changed my "group of friends" a lot. I either added more to my circle or I got rid of some and gained others. Now, I'm not meaning it bitchy. Its just growing apart from someone and getting close to others. Its all part of life. You find out who you are and you find out who people are then realize you have nothing in common to even be friends. Honestly, I've always been different from my friends, all of them. I've never felt like the typical girl. I have 2 older brothers, which is very apparent if you know my personality. It'd be so strange to have a sister and I wouldn't have it any other way. Sometimes I seem like an only child, which is almost true to an aspect as well. (My brothers are very much older than I am) And most of the time, people think I'm an only child...whatever right? So as I sat around after class, figuring out what I was going to do with my time on this beautiful day, (I came to the conclusion that its going to be wasted on homework.), I was reminiscing on old times...the good, the bad, the best ever, and the just plain awful. I've made numerous friends over the years and I truly value every friendship I've made and will continue to make with everyone I meet. All my experiences have shaped who I am today and I wouldn't change it for the world. I like who I have become. I may not always be the best person, but I certainly try my best to make the most of whatever situation may arise. I've learned many lessons about family, friends, and the ever, as I've grown up. And I've taken them all with a grain of salt. Things are never going to be easy, I've accepted that, but I just wish there weren't so many bumps along the way...

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