Thursday, April 23, 2009


I've never been one to fully understand politics nor even care for them to be honest. And I know so many others that feel the same, but today I had to type up a 3-page paper for my government class. So I basically had to research information on various topics of somewhat interest to me. Of course I wasn't going to find anything that was THAT exciting to me, but I found enough to intrigue me and actually give me something to talk about for a paper. Which is surprising. I've seriously never been one to engage in political conversations. I was the person who walked away when it got brought up. I never knew what was going on in Washington and I didn't really care, so I just did something else when friends would be discussing some issue. Now, though I see how important it is for me to be informed of the issues and ideas that are being brought up in the White House. Myself and the people of the United States have the right to voice our opinions when we feel its necessary. We've been given that right and most of us don't use it except in negative ways that don't benefit anyone. I always said, I have freedom of speech so I can say what I want. Which is true, but sometimes you need to use those rights for the good of the people and not just because "you can". I'm realizing more and more everyday that I'm getting older and that I've got to make some changes in things I do and say. I'm not a bad person and I'm quite mature for my age. I always have been. I just know now that things are becoming different with our society and as we evolve. Things change everyday and you must change too.

1 comment:

  1. Kayla, Very insightful reflection. Life is about changing daily, sometimes even hourly. You are on the right track! ~Ms. A
